Programmable Quantum Simulators based on 2D Materials

What is PQS2D?

PQS2D is a large-scale project coordinated among three Canadian quantum hubs consisting of 8 research groups across 6 universities, while also working closely with 3 partners to develop a quantum simulating platform and to train the next generation quantum workforce.

Together, we are working towards three goals:


Build a specialized quantum machine for controllably emulating the complex behavior of quantum systems


Implement programmable devices in an emerging hardware platform based on 2D materials


Develop large-area high-quality 2D materials and
theoretical models to understand them

PQS2D has the potential to solve a broad range of important outstanding problems on quantum phases of matter.

PQS2D is possible due to our talented and committed team

Principal Investigators

We have brought together the leading research groups working in complementary scientific and technological fields and both in experiment and theory that have a track-record of training excellence in quantum science.


We are partnering with 4 Canadian companies to develop projects with a potential for commercialization and public access. Our partners will provide a test bed for simulators, helping refine performance and providing feedback.


We are committed to training the next generation quantum workforce. Under guidance of the Principal Investigators, trainees will develop experimental and theoretical skills in quantum materials, as well as professional skills for future careers in quantum physics.

Top of the line instruments for studying quantum physics

PQS2D has access to cutting edge infrastructure both within personal laboratories and in partnership with academic and national research institutions such as Institut Quantique (IQ) and the National Research Council Canada (NRC)

Nanofab Bruker AFM
Nanofab EBL
MOCVD Aixtron
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Upcoming Events

International Conference on Graphene and 2D Materials

November 4 – 6, 2024 | Vancouver, Canada

World Summit and Expo on 2D Materials and Graphene

November 14 – 16, 2024 | Rome, Italy